Wouter Vos – “In the end you really learn everything by doing it”

15 February 2021 - reading time: 4 minutes

Wouter Vos (41) has been building and doing DIY-projects around the house ever since he was five years old. Not his father, but his grandfather introduced him to the world of wood. After a detour in construction he’s been making a living for almost ten years now by working with his favourite material.

Why do you have a thing for wood?
I was always hammering and building things when I was a kid. We used to have a small house in the backyard. After a couple of years it had two stories and an annex, haha. Wood is just a beautiful product. Easy to process and if you make the right choices it will last as well.

How did you learn the tricks of the trade?
My grandfather was very handy. We always built things together. Because of him I chose a cabinet maker study at the Hout- en Meubileringscollege in Amsterdam. After that I worked in construction and followed a work-study track to become a carpenter. But in the end you really learn everything by just doing it.

When did you realize you were good at it?
Well… good, good. I especially enjoyed doing it. But during my first education to become a cabinet maker I did notice I was handy.

So you started doing several renovation projects as a carpenter. What was the main reason to start working as an entrepreneur?
Nine years ago I started as an entrepreneur mainly because I felt I wasn’t going to last very long in construction. I didn’t enjoy going to work anymore. You could be out on a scaffold for a whole winter or you’re carrying stuff every day and there’s a lot of dust. I was done with it. In the meantime I got requests to make wardrobes or a bookshelves. I enjoyed doing that. So I decided: this is where I want to put all my focus on.

Wouter Vos – “Uiteindelijk leer je alles gewoon door het te doen”
Wouter Vos – “Uiteindelijk leer je alles gewoon door het te doen”


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